Standard crash tests
Tests based on standardized impact tests
As an accredited test laboratory we carry out crash tests in accordance with standards. These include:
- Impact testing of safety barriers (e.g. concrete and steel) in accordance with EN 1317 and MASH
- Impact testing of vehicle security barriers (e.g. bollard, barriers, wedges) in accordance with ASTM F2656/F2656M, DIN SPEC 91414-1 and ISO 22343-1, Technical Guideline – Mobile Vehicle Safety Barriers
- Impact testing of support structures for road equipment (e.g. road traffic signs, light poles, traffic light systems, speed measuring devices) in accordance with EN 12767
The requirements of a test laboratory correspond in accordance with Article 43 of the Construction Products Regulation for the EN 1317 test methods. In addition, our accreditation by the DAkkS is internationally valid, since the German accreditation body is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).
Due to the flexible category III accreditation, we can use the free choice of standardized test methods or those that are equivalent to them within the test areas specified above and without requiring prior information and approval from the DAkkS (except EN 1317).
Current test procedures:
- CEN/TS 17342:2019 Road restraint systems - Motorcycle road restraint systems which reduce the impact severity of motorcyclist collisions with safety barriers
- ASTM F 3016/F 3016M:2019 - Standard Test Method for Surrogate Testing of Vehicle Impact Protective Devices at Low Speeds
- BASt - Sonderlösungen von Schutzeinrichtungen in Einmündungsbereichen (Version 03 vom 23.07.2021)
- AS/NZS 3845.2:2017 - Road safety barrier systems and devices Part 2: Road safety devices
- BSI PAS 170-1 - Impact testing for vehicle safety barriers - Low speed impact testing Part 1: Test method for bollards using ramming trucks
Withdrawn test procedures:
- NCHRP Report 350 - National Cooperative Highway Research Program
- MASH 2009 - Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware
- Manual for the evaluation of safety devices
- ASTM F 2656-07 – Test Methods for Impact Testing of Vehicle Safety Barriers (Formerly P1, P2, P3, P4 Rating)
- ASTM F2556/F2656M – 15 - Test Methods for Impact Testing of vehicle safety barriers (formerly P1, P2, P3 rating)
- ASTM F2656/F2656M – 18 - Test Methods for Impact Testing of Vehicle Safety Barriers (Formerly P1, P2, P3 Rating)
- ASTM F2656/F2656M – 18a - Test Methods for Impact Testing of Vehicle Safety Barriers (Formerly P1, P2, P3 Rating)
- ASTM F2656/F2656M – 20 - Test Methods for Impact Testing of Vehicle Safety Barriers (Formerly P1, P2, P3 Rating)
- CEN CWA 16221:2010 – Vehicle security barriers. Performance requirements, test methods and guidance on application
- DoS SD-STD-02.01 – … (Formerly K4, K8, K12 Rating)
- IWA 14-1:2013 – Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating
- PAS 68:2013 – Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems
Fast and flexible
Our large, easily accessible crash test facility, which can be converted in a very short time, offers the highest spatial and technical flexibility. On the new asphalt surface, construction lengths of up to 170 m are now possible, both for transportable systems and for systems attached to asphalt or concrete foundations.
Clear processing of audit reports
- Extensive written and digital documentation of the results
- Multimedia presentation comprehensible for all target groups
- Direct further use for the corresponding certification and approval processes
We offer you
Benefit from our extensive range of services
Compliance statement and rule of decision
With regard to compliance statements in test reports, the following decision rules have been defined:
As a rule, a low confidence level (A) is assumed, which increases the acceptance range, so that measurement results with a confidence level of at least 50% are also accepted.
After prior agreement, the customer can also specify a medium confidence level (B), which reduces the acceptance range so that measurement results with a confidence level of at least 95% are also accepted with a maximum residual risk of 5%.
A high confidence level (C), which corresponds to a confidence level of at least 99.9%, is not acceptable at the CTS test laboratory and is therefore not applicable.
The confidence level you set (A or B) will be communicated to you via the offer and the test report.
Customized constructive special solutions
- Push-pull tests
- Exchangeable bottoms
- Slopes
- Strip foundations
For your project
We are well equipped for your project
Construction machinery:
- Forklift
- Excavator
- cherry picker
- Vibratory feeder
Equipment / Service:
- Livestreams directly from the crash test facility
- Office container as workplace directly on the crash site
- State-of-the-art meeting rooms
- Catering for you and your customers
- Area-wide W-Lan on the crash test site
- Advertising video production by external film team (
After the Corona-related suspension, we are pleased to finally be able to hold the renowned specialist conference for Vehicle Safety Barriers of the BTU under a new name on the CTS crash test site.
Other cooperation partners such as the ProPK of the police, the DStGB and the BSKI look forward to your participation and the lively professional exchange with you.
The speakers from this year's main sponsors Hörmann and Stahlkontor will also present their latest systems to you in the exhibitor area.
What you can expect:
Displacement and manipulation test according to DIN SPEC
crash tests with Vehicle Safety Barriers
Top-class speakers
exhibitor area
CTS at the Intertraffic in Amsterdam
We look forward to seeing you at our booth in hall 8, booth 08.133.
We would be happy to talk to you about our test options in the field of vehicle restraint systems:
EN 1317 / DIN EN 1317 / EN 12767 / DIN EN 12767 / MASH / NCHRP 350
BS PAS 68 / BSI PAS 170-1 / ASTM F 2656-07 / ASTM F 2656-07 / IWA 14-1
Can't attend Intertraffic in Amsterdam?
We would also be happy to arrange an appointment at the btu's VSB (VEHICLE.SECURITY.BARRIER.CONFERENCE. 2022) conference at CTS.
Program as well as exhibitor and participant information:
INTERTRAFFIC Amsterdam 2022
INTERTRAFFIC Amsterdam, which takes place every two years, is a leading international event for professionals from the fields of infrastructure, mobility and traffic management. will also be present this time and can be found on 29.03.2022 - 01.04.2022 in hall 8 at stand no. 08.133.
You are also an exhibitor and want to carry out an impact test according to EN 1317, MASH 2016, ASTM F 2656-20, PAS:68 or IWA 14-1 for approval or certification at short notice before the fair?
Write to us! Of course, we would be pleased to welcome you at our trade fair stand.
Your contact persons
Book your crash appointment easily online!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Let us know your preferred date and your requirements. The CTS team will contact you as soon as possible.