Technical post-mortem evaluation

Detail report

The analysed damage from the technical autopsy is divided into three damage classes: "undamaged", "slightly damaged" and "severely damaged". These component and component group-related technical damages are assigned to possible correlating injuries in the form of degrees of severity according to AIS2005 in the gradation "minimum AIS" and "maximum AIS". The AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) was used for this purpose. This provides an approximately realistic and easily understandable assessment of possible injury severities in a "from/to" range. The detailed report is attached as an annex to this report.

Injury Severity Levels

Selection of different training dummies for autopsies





Example autopsy

Technical autopsy - photo documentation of the injuries


Report on the technical autopsy (AIS evaluation)


Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig

Managing Partner

Dr. Mirko Dobberstein

Technical Director

+49 (0)2506 / 70 990 70

Marco Bäumer

Head of Dummy Manufacture

+49 (0)2506 / 70 990 768
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