Unique Crash Test Database

Reliable and verified crash test data

We provide you with fast and direct online access to the world’s largest crash test database for the reconstruction of traffic accidents with completely retrievable data from more than 9000 tests.

For experts, accident analysts or accident insurance companies, our continuously updated and well maintained database is a powerful tool that provides verified information on almost all conceivable road accident situations and consequences.

Intuitive and fast

With just a click of the mouse, identify exemplary and validated collision parameters, damage photos, crash test videos, measurement diagrams and other various multimedia data – and use them to support your argumentations and expert opinions.
The professionally prepared test data and self-explanatory search engine make your research easy and lead you quickly to valuable results.  The use of our database is not only inexpensive, it is time-efficient - thanks to the wide scope and range of detail of the data, in most cases you no longer need to conduct any additional research.

Extensive and international

In addition to the results of our own crash tests, you can also find within our database test data from our cooperation partners:
ADAC Germany, Stiftung Warentest, the Allianz Centre for Technology, the ARC Network (USA), AXA Winterthur (Switzerland), the Dynamic Test Center (USA) and many others.

We provide:

  • Crash tests with two-wheeled vehicles, passenger cars, trucks, agricultural equipment and trailers
  • EES tests
  • Tests with crash test dummies (human and animal)
  • Airbag tests
  • "General Liability"
  • Speed tests, EES values, delta v-values, etc.
  • Images of vehicle damage, final positions, etc.
  • Video documentation as PDF or AVI
  • Measurement diagrams and sketches
  • Noise level measurements

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 / 70 990 70
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