Simulation PRIMUS breakable in the standing variant
Experimental crash tests can be very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the demand for simulation models based on the finite element method is increasing strongly. The development team at AFUS is also facing the new challenges of converting the Biofidel-Dummy into a simulation model. This paper is about the model setup for the Impetus solver and will give you an insight into the main areas and achievements of model development. The focus is on the analysis of materials, mesh generation and discretization, as well as the challenges of connection types and the difficulty of positioning for such a complex dummy. A completed verification of the model is shown and the planned validation is explained. The current version 1.2 revision 3 consists of the entire dummy model with all components and functions in the standing variant.
To create a computable and meaningful model, important requirements had to be met. This made the process very time-consuming. Figure 1 is showing the programs that are used for setting up the model. All data is divided into seven areas using the include structure (see Figure 2).
General Verification of the Complete Model (Impactor Test)
This chapter contains the contact and connection modeling verification. The contacts and connections are tested by using simple impactors (see Figure 3 left side). These 13 impactors hit the dummy anteriorly, laterally and distally. For simplicity, rigid material is used and the initial velocity of the impactor is 7 m/s. Further information can be found in the PDF documentation and the appendix A. The movement behavior of the dummy is reproduced and any material damage is displayed, just as the real dummy does. See the example right side of the figure 3 "Bone fracture femur”.