

Conversion of the crash test system provides more flexibility

The re-fitting work on the crash test facility has been successfully completed in the last few days, which now enables the CTS team to react even more flexibly and at shorter notice to test orders. Especially for standard tests, e.g. EN 1317, EN 12767, PAS 68, ASTM F2656/F2656M, IWA14-1, MASH, etc., this has opened up new possibilities for prompt execution.

Even if the avoidance of personal contacts is the main focus these days, we are still there for you. Both on the crash site and in the office, operations continue with the best possible protection for customers and employees.

If it is not possible for you to be live on site during crash tests due to the current situation, we will be happy to set up a video livestream for you.

We are well positioned for the coming weeks and look forward to continuing to work with you as productively as before.


Conversion of the crash system

In these days the crash system was completely rebuilt. A conversion that Managing Director Dr. Mirko Dobberstein has high hopes for: "Even before the conversion measures, we were able to move vehicles weighing up to 70 t without any problems, but this is now taking place within a significantly optimised tolerance range. The crash system can now be adapted even more flexibly and spontaneously to the most varied test requirements".

Already this week successful tests according to MASH were carried out. This standard is the benchmark for crash barriers used in road traffic worldwide.

"Since we have become even more flexible thanks to the retrofit, new possibilities arise in scheduling. We are now able to accept orders for standard tests, especially according to MASH, even at short notice", says Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig (Managing Partner of CTS).


GPEC 2020

Last week CTS was present at the GPEC in Frankfurt. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig and the new Managing Director Dr. Mirko Dobberstein introduced the biofidelic crash test dummy PRIMUS. The PRIMUS dummy is particularly suitable as a training object for Special Forces. But Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig also presented in his speech the excellent application possibilities for approval tests of safety clothing, such as protective vests and helmets.


Dummies for the University of Zagreb

Photo from left to right: Dr. M. Dobberstein (Managing Director CTS), Dipl.-Ing. P. Schimmelpfennig (CTS), Assistant Faculty of Transportation Sciences (University of Zagreb), Doc. dr. sc. Željko Šari? (lecturer University of Zagreb), Dr. G. Reglitz (CTS), M. Bäumer (CTS) 

At the beginning of February, representatives of the University of Zagreb were guests in the dummy production of CTS. The reason for the visit was to pick up two dummies for the Faculty of Transport Sciences / Department of Transport. The planned field of application of the dummies will be research in the field of accident reconstruction.


CTS strengthens the management

Photo from left to right: Dr. Mirko Dobberstein (Managing Director), Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig (Managing Partner), Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bührmann (Head of Test Department)

Dr. Mirko Dobberstein has been Managing Director of crashtest-service since 1 February 2020.

Born in Cologne, he studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and received his doctorate in 1996 at WZL in the field of production planning and control. After holding various management positions at the automotive supplier Hella and the data and process specialist Eucon, he was Managing Director of DAD - Deutscher Auto Dienst in Ahrensburg.

Now CTS is looking forward to new impulses from the experienced businessman. Together with the managing partner Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig, the focus of the cooperation is on the further strategic orientation and the expansion of the capacities of the Münster-based company. 


Happy New Year!

Have a good start into 2020!

New Years Eve driving test: VIDEO


Cooperation with the UKM

Once again a PRIMUS dummy was crashed as part of a customers request. In order to evaluate the damages of e.g. the ribs or vertetebral bodies, the dummy underwent a CT-scan.
For this purpose, the CT-equipment at the Münster University Hospital (UKM) were made available. Under the leadership of University Prof. Dr. W. Heindel, Dr. C. Schülke (senior doctor) and Dr. S. Roßlenbroich (senior doctor / specialist for orthopaedics and trauma surgery) a complete computer tomography of the PRIMUS dummy was carried out to detect bone fractures and other internal damages.
Also in the future, the UKM and CTS will continue to work together as part of the scope of assessing damages of crashed dummies.


CTS supports the Child Protection Agency

Colleagues from CTS used this year's christmas campaign to support Münsters Child Protection Agency with a donation action.

As part of the prize draw, for various prizes were up for grabs, e.g. half-day holiday or exemption from the kitchen service, donations were collected for the Child Protection Agency. In order to increase the proceeds, management decided not to send out christmas cards as in previous years but to donate these savings too. The Child Protection Agency were happy about the middle five-figure amount, which the managing director of the Child Protection Agency Mr. Kaiser accepted this week.

We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas!

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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