

Safety and security trade fair in Zurich

Mid-November, Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig was guest at the international safety and security exhibition “Sicherheit 2017” in Zurich


Barrier impact tests with military vehicles

Last week, IABG tested for the army, in cooperation with the WTD 91 (defense technical center), the impact behaviour of military vehicles. For this purpose, dummies specially prepared by the WTD 91 were used. In several impact tests at varying collision speeds the load acting on the occupants was examined.


Making of the new CTS-Film

Once again, CTS says: "quiet please - we're shooting". This time however for our own cause. From crash tests to biofidelic Crash Test Dummies to seminars, a short film will be produced to offer insights into all facets of the crash test center.


EVU 2017

With an exhibition stand and the new Biofidelic crash test dummies, CTS was the main sponsor represented at this years’ EVU-Conference. The 26th EVU annual conference, held in Haarlem Netherlands, was attended by around 300 participants from the accident reconstruction sector. Over the course of three days at the congress, the program entailed specialist lectures and exchanges for the European community of accident analysts.


Visitors from Israel

Last Monday, CTS had the pleasure of the visit of Prof. Uzi Raz Phd. P.Eng from Israel. In the scope of the company tour Prof. Uzi Raz Phd. P.Eng and his team were able to attend a crash test and gain an insight into the new Biofidelic-Laboratory.


Sold out grandstand at GPEC-Specialist Conference

A specialist conference with focus on counter terrorism barriers, organised by GPEC, took place this week on the entire CTS-site. More than 250 participants came to follow specialist lectures on topics such as terrorist attacks with vehicles or standards and certifications of corresponding vehicle barriers and much more. Additionally, across the whole crash site, a large number of exhibitors were represented who presented their products. Alongside several counter terrorism crash tests there was, of course, another impressive CTS-crash test with subsequent training exercise for the fire brigade.


Biofidelic Crash Test Dummies presented in Las Vegas

Photo from left to right: Michael DiTallo (Northwestern University), Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kunze (engineering office Priester & Weyde), Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig (CTS), William (Rusty) Haight

This years’ ARC-CSI Crash Conference in Nevada provided the opportunity for Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig together with Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kunze (engineering office Priester & Weyde) to present the new Biofidelic Crash Tests Dummy in the scope of a specialist lecture on personal injury in road traffic. The German Biofidelic Crash Test Dummies were subjected to crash tests live and on site in order to demonstrate the special characteristics of the Dummies. A further highlight of the three day Crash Conference was, among other things, the self-driven implemented crash tests from William –Rusty- Haight. CTS are already excited to welcome Rusty and Michael DiTallo at the coming expert seminar here in Münster.


CTS was guest at “Vision Zero”

Last week CTS was guest at “Vision Zero” in Warsaw (Poland).

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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