

Crash Day, Expert Seminar and a new Laboratory

12 vehicles, 3 dummies, 2 motorcycles, 1 bicycle and over 130 participants. That is the result of the 6th Expert Seminar and the 3rd Crash Day 2017. As accustomed the Crash Day was characterised by practical crash tests. Alongside exclusive Biofidelic Crash Test Dummy tests, various motorcycle-passenger car-collisions, passenger car-SUV-collisions and many others, there was a high speed crossroads-collision crash test to end the first seminar day in the well-known CTS style. At the following 6th Expert Seminar, the focus was on interesting lectures in the area of accident reconstruction. Referents from various fields provided insights on current topics in accident reconstruction.

Additionally, CTS was delighted to officially open the new Biofidelic Crash Test Dummy Laboratory. In cooperation with HTW Dresden and TU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Hannawald, Dr. Weyde, Prof. Dr. Kramer) the established laboratory has been specifically designed for the construction and reparation of Biofidelic Crash Test Dummies. Thus, the seminar participants became the opportunity together with the Dummy Laboratory manager Dr. Gerrit Reglitz to gain exclusive insights in the construction and the production of the new Biofidelic Crash Test Dummies. 


Biofidelic-crash test Dummies return for repair

Some of the newly developed Biofidelic-crash test Dummies have returned to repair after their external use. Not only were they subjected to crash tests for accident reconstruction purposes, but they also had to withstand impact tests. In order to give an insight into the production and reparation of the Biofidelic-crash test Dummies, the new and specially designed dummy laboratory will be officially opened as part of the 3rd Crash Day and 6th Experts' Seminar on 14th and 15th September 2017 at CTS.


Porsche Club guest at CTS

Last week, the crash test facility in MS-Wolbeck had visitors from the Porsche Club Monasteria e.V. The evening was a special experience which began with a company tour followed by a presentation by Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig on current test areas of CTS.


Coatings Motor Club visits CTS

Last week, around 20 members of the Coatings Motor Club from Münster visited the crash test facility in MS-Wolbeck. As part of the company visit, the participants were able to follow a lecture presented by Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig on current test areas of CTS. The evening was rounded off with a high-speed crash test. The vehicles of the participants remained, of course, undamaged. 


Münster Police train on crash test facility

Where normally vehicles are crashed or traffic restraint systems are being tested, last Monday evening, the dog handler team of the Münster police trained. They used the complete crash test facility for a guard dog exercise. Dogs and dog handlers had the possibility to recreate various scenarios under real conditions and to train undisturbed. For the duration of the exercise, the crash test facility was completely closed off, so that the police dogs search exercise could be run as realistic as possible.


Summer Festival 2017

After the last summer celebration of the CTS workforce with their families and friends took place almost two years ago, this time was celebrated all the more. More than 150 people were offered an exciting afternoon. Bouncy castle, wheel of fortune, cherry picker rides and entertaining lectures were the focus of the afternoon. Of course, this year too, following a good CTS tradition, there was a high-speed crash test. Another highlight was provided by the fire brigade, which was specifically designed to simulate a vehicle occupancy rescue with the help of the vehicles that had just been crashed. Additionally, under the supervision of test manager Ralf Bührmann, another crash test vehicle was made available, which could be used for own experimentation and be demolished at heart’s desire. We are already looking forward to the next time! 


Barely there and gone already

The new dummy colleagues leave the CTS-dummy laboratory for their first applications.

These individually custom-made Biofidelic-crash test dummies are intended, in this particular case, for the use in explosive tests. Our new colleagues are though very flexible in terms of their application. For both accident reconstruction and industrial tests, a wide selection of Biofidelic-crash test dummies is always available ready on the starting blocks. If you too would like to buy or rent a Biofidelic-crash test dummy, please do not hesitate to contact us for details!


TU Aachen at CTS

Under the direction of Dr. Möhler, around 20 students from TU Aachen visited the crash test facility this week. Within the scope of the company visit, the students were able to follow a presentation by Dipl. Ing Peter Schimmelpfennig on current test areas of CTS. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Holtkötter also gave a talk on the possibilities of electronic manipulation of vehicles and electric data evaluation. The afternoon was rounded off with a high speed crash test, which the students were able to watch live from the secure spectators stand.

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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