

Judges Seminar 2014

At the beginning of September, for the third time now at our crash site, the seminar for accident reconstruction aimed at courts, public prosecutors, lawyers and police officers was held.
In collaboration with Schimmelpfennig + Becke, meant that over 40 participants were able follow the various lectures and furthermore be live at a spectacular high-speed crash test.


Wooden Safety Barrier Crashtest

TU Braunschweig (IBMB) tested for the first time, at the facilities of, their wooden safety Barrier. This successively fulfilled the requirements of the impact test according to EN 1317-1 directly in the first test.


Cooperation visit from China are delighted over visitors from China. Previously in August the first meeting for discussion over a possible collaboration took place. 


Opening of crash test center GmbH celebrate this year its 10th anniversary in service. We would sincerely like to thank all our customers for their good partnership and we look forward to our further collaboration.

In order for you in the future to be able to perform further diverse experiments, since 03.05.2011 we moved to our new crash test center. The new crash facility offers an extensive amount of possibilities. The crash test center facility comprises of a test track with a hall and office building. Besides a large indoor and outdoor crash area the new test facility is designed for up to 150 participants for seminars and company outings.

The new crash test track is 260 meters long and supports speeds of up to 150 km/h. Furthermore, located in the center of the facility is a 70m x 70m crash area that allows collisions from various angle approaches. The crash area now has the ability to and offers the possibility to perform dynamic driving tests such as skidding etc.

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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