

GPEC digital 2019

This week, CTS was represented in Berlin at the GPEC digital, which was themed "All for public security / digital". At the CTS booth Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig and Felix Mackel presented, among others, the biofidelic dummy produced by CTS in their own laboratory.


Analysis of pedestrian accidents

The Allianz Centre for Technology examines pedestrian accidents not only with a conventional view on the frequency and the avoidability, but also with a future-orientated view on the perceptibility of the sensibility of automated driving functions. For this, their own database of damages as well as numerous accident statistics have been combined, analysed information derived for the designing of assistance systems. New evaluations show that in particular senior citizens are at danger at low collision speeds. It is especially with this victim-group that developed restrictions in mobility and the high vulnerability a major role play in accidents. To visualise the problem, crash tests were carried out with a focus on older pedestrians with walking assistance (walking-frames). As a result of, not only the particular dramatic of such accidents with vehicles moving at even slow speeds at the point of collision are highlighted, but also the challenges of future vehicle sensors and automated driving systems. The results of the crash tests flow into work groups such as “AHEAD” (Aggregated Homologation-proposal for EventRecorderData for Automated Driving), who address clarification issues of accidents of automated vehicles with the aid of the recorded accident data from the vehicle. The biofidelic dummy offers, with its special and unique properties, crucial advantages for these tests in comparison to other pedestrian dummies.


A skeleton at AZT

Photo: Melanie Kreutner (Test Manager AZT), Dr. Christoph Lauterwasser (Business Manager AZT), Dipl.-Ing P. Schimmelpfennig (CTS), Florian Kitzmann (Public relations AZT)

As of this week, a skeleton of the biofidelic dummy is being displayed at the Allianz Centre for Technology in Munich. The AZT is the competence centre of the Allianz for Automotive Technology and has already previously carried out a series of crash tests with the biofidelic dummy. The skeleton serves here as an exhibition piece and should give visitors an insight into the complexity of the insides of the biofidelic dummy.


Happy New Year!

We wish you a happy new year!



Merry Christmas!

The year is drawing to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and the valuable cooperation. We wish you a Merry Christmas!


Successful test performed according to TR - Mobile vehicle barriers

For the first time, a successful crash test was performed in Germany according to the Technical Guidelines of the Police (Police Technical Institute (PTI) at the DHPol: Technical Guidlines (TR) – Mobile vehicle barriers). At the CTS crash facility, a guideline that has been put into effect this year was applied for the first time – and with success. The Police, customers and also the crash test crew of Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bührmann were highly satisfied with the results of their respective departments.


Safety aspects in motor traffic

Under the auspices of the European Accident Research Association (EVU), last week in Tata (Hungary), the Vehicle Expert Seminar took place. With the invitation from Mr. Köfalvi Gyula, P. Schimmelpfennig held a lecture on certified vehicle restraint systems for heavy goods vehicles.


Biofidelic-Dummy in „Museum-Autovision“

From the 16th November 2018, the AUTOVISION museum in Altlußheim (near Hockenheim) will be showing a new special exhibition on the theme „driving safety“. Also present will be the Biofidelic-Dummy in the form of a skeleton, a complete standard dummy and a half/half show-purpose dummy. The special exhibition is set to run until the end of May 2019. Come along and take a look!

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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