

Sponsoring society in load securing

This week, in the training rooms at CTS, the sponsoring society for cargo securing members' meeting of the sponsoring association Cargo Security e.V. took place. At the end of the event, all participants were able, under the direction of Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bührmann (test manager), to be present at a live crash test.


New AZT tests in the CTS database

With immediate effect, a number of new crash tests can be found in the CTS database. The tests carried out by the AZT (Allianz Centre for Technology) reflect once again a broad spectrum of passenger car-motorcycle (sliding) tests. These and many other tests are now available for download in the CTS database.



Perimeter Protection

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schimmelpfennig was guest at the Perimeter Protection specialist trade fair in January. The international exhibition for perimeter protection held in Nuremberg offered an interesting opportunity to establish new contacts and exchange views with business partners.


FH Münster

FH Münster
Münster University of Applied Sciences visited CTS in January with more than 30 students. As part of the guided company tour, the crash test centre and the new dummy laboratory were viewed. In addition to a brief presentation on the business areas of CTS, the students had the opportunity to watch a high-speed crash test live.



The CTS-Film

Over the last few months here on the crash site, a film has been produced which shows the scope of the crash test centre in all its facets. The new CTS film provides you with an informative and precise overview of what is possible on the 30.000 m² crash site.



European Transport Prize for Sustainability 2018

CTS congratulates HS-Schoch, who won the European Transport Prize for Sustainability 2018 for the SL 3000 underride guard. In the category of Parts and Accessories, the 6-member jury selected the underride guard, which was subjected to many validation tests on the crash test facility. The system, which was presented for the first time at the last IAA, is resilient to collision speeds of up to 64 km/h. This means that at this impact speed there is virtually no intrusion into the passenger compartment and therefore fatal injuries of passenger car occupants are not expected.


EDR-Seminar of the police

Around 30 policemen and policewomen visited the crash test centre for training purposes on using the EDR-interface. The Event Data Recorder is obligatory for vehicles built since 2014 and provides police and accident analysts with valuable data after a crash. Focus of the seminar directed by Dr. Weyde were two live crash tests, which directly provided the participants the opportunity to try out and test the EDR-interface.



Underride protection from HS-Schoch

The underride guard SL3000 from the company HS-Schoch was once again subjected to a validation test. At the crash test facility it was proven yet again how successful this underride guard is. The system was introduced for the first time at the last IAA and can withstand collision speeds of up to 64 km/h. This means that, at such impact speed, fatal injuries of passenger car occupants aren’t expected, since there is virtually no intrusion into the cars passenger compartment. Launch of sales for the underride guard SL3000 is planned for summer 2018. Details for this underride guard including a crash test video can be found on the homepage of HS-Schoch.

Your contact person

Bianca Ruhoff


+49 (0)2506 70 990 70
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