Indian delegation finds out about approval tests for road blockers

CTS welcomes an Indian delegation to learn about the various road blocking standards. Since the demand for approved bollard systems is also constantly increasing in India, CTS is looking forward to the constantly increasing demand for approval tests from India and German products that have been approved in Germany.
The delegation was also interested in the biofidelic dummy, which is now to be discussed in security-relevant areas in India.
ASTM F2656/F2656M
IWA 14-1
DIN SPEC 91414-1
Biofidelic dummy for drone collision testing
When drones collide with pedestrians or cyclists, this can lead to serious injuries to humans. In particular, drones at major events or in stadiums, which, for example, have reinforced carbon wings and are also heavier, can cause deep cuts in the head area.
Link to the RTL television report on drone collisions with cyclists:
130km/h: Is Apple's crash detection failing?

OwnGalaxy - These are Julian Völzke and Patrick Maugeri (Text: OwnGalaxy)
Since the introduction of Apple's Crash Detection feature for the new iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro, I've really wanted to test it in real life! But that's not so easy - although you can provoke crash detection under certain circumstances, but simply building such an accident for a mobile phone test is probably far from any reality. That's why we have teamed up with CTS in Münster - a large crash test center. Here we were able to make several attempts together with professionals. And unfortunately one thing has to be said: Apple's crash detection disappointed us a bit - but you can see why in the video now! Many thanks to the CTS in Munster.
Link to video: (starting from 02:50 minute)
Wheels - Form of execution using a large wagon wheel

ZDF has carried out experiments with the biofidelic dummy. The role played by the PRIMUS dummy can be seen in the current episode "Middle Ages Crime Scene: Shocking Violence" (from min 08:00).
Press release from the DLRBT about the presentation of the biofidelic bird at the 2. DUMMY.CRASHTEST.CONFERENCE:

At #DLRBT, aircraft and helicopter #safety under #crash and #impact conditions are long standing research topics. Our test and simulation facilities are used to drive our analyses. Earlier, we posted a notice on a visit of GmbH at DLR’s Stuttgart site. #Birdstrike testing was the topic that day. Friday, 9th September 2022 at 2. DUMMY.CRASHTEST.KONFERENZ results were shown and discussed with experts. Thank you, Peter Schimmelpfennig for hosting the conference! Have a look on the slo-mo’s of DLR’s reinforced artificial bird #DLRRAB and #CTS’ biofidelic artificial bird #ALPHA to study launching and record impact pulses under conditions typical for start and landing conditions of aircraft. DLRRAB and the biofidelic artificial bird had 1.8 kg (4 lbs) weight commonly applied for aircraft applications. While ALPHA has an ornithomorphic shape, DLRRAB Mk2.3 comes regular shaped but is adaptable to all weights and geometries. Earlier, DLRRAB was applied during the development of the #RACER with a weight of 1.0 kg (2.2 lbs) as commonly applied for rotorcraft applications and during the #CleanSky development of #HLFC technology for wing and stabiliser structures with a weight of 3.6 kg as applied for passenger transport aircraft. RACER: CleanSky/HLFC: More information about our Gas Gun facility: #dlrbt #crash #impact #crashtest #crashtestdummy #OTD #dlr #birdstrike #dlrrab #CTS #biofidelicbird #biofidelicdummy
Toyota Land Cruiser, approved according to VPAM guidelines, in the exhibition area of the dummy conference

Are you wondering how the biofidelic dummy can survive an explosion in this vehicle?
The world's first armored SUV based on the Toyota Land Cruiser 300 to be certified with 3 stars from the official state ballistics department in Mellrichtstadt / Bavaria according to the latest guidelines of the VPAM ERV (Version 3 from March 2021).
On site at the conference.
Thanks to Mr. Schepler from Carl Friederichs GmbH.
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2. Report on series of laboratory scale tests using the Crew Compartment Underbody Blast Simulator (CCUBS) with PRIMUS Biofidelic Dummy
A series of laboratory scale tests using the Crew Compartment Underbody Blast Simulator (CCUBS) were conducted at the Occupant Protection Laboratory (OPL) at Selfridge ANGB, MI. The tests were designed to compare the responses of a PRIMUS dummy to a Hybrid III (HIII) 50th percentile male Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD). Additionally, the test data will be used to derive correlation between testing on the CCUBS and in a live-fire surrogate, such as the OPL’s Generic Hull (GH)...
Full Report
Craig Foster is speaker live on stage at the dummy conference
CTS welcomes international participants of the ROADPOL seminar led by Heinz Albert Stumpen.

Besides a spectacular rear-end collision on the crash test facility, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Hannawald explained the news about the biofidelic dummy in the dummy lab.
After a lecture on the current topic of road blockers and mobile vehicle barriers, among other things, there were interesting discussions on the subject of occupant protection in the automotive industry.
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